Introducing Warm and Well Scottish Borders – Big Energy Saving Month

Thursday 28th January 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM 

January is Big Energy Saving Month, a national campaign from Citizen’s Advice Scotland which aims to help people cut their energy bills and get the financial support they are entitled to.

Join Changeworks, Citizen’s Advice Borders and Home Energy Scotland to find out more about the Warm and Well Scottish Borders project and how it can help householders across the Borders to live in warmer, healthier homes. This is of particular relevance this year as householders experience the impacts of Covid-19, resulting in more time spent at home, exacerbated health conditions and potential changes to household income.

This free webinar will explore how the Warm and Well project can support Borders residents to:

• Resolve gas and electricity billing problems 

• Access emergency credit, discounts and funding 

• Identify the benefits they’re entitled to claim 

• Find the cheapest energy supplier.

It will also provide information on: 

• How to refer to the project 

• How the partners are working together to provide a holistic and streamlined service to residents in the Borders

• Highlight successes and provide case studies of the project so far.

Register for the free webinar here:

The Warm and Well Scottish Borders project is funded by the Warmer Homes Fund. It is delivered by Changeworks, Citizen’s Advice Borders and Scottish Borders Council in partnership with Home Energy Scotland and NHS Borders.

Categories: EventsGeneral