Can you help us create a logo and unique description of Tweedsmuir?
Tweedsmuir Community Company needs to create a logo for the ‘Discover Tweedsmuir’ website that reflects all that Tweedsmuir has to offer. We would like to ask members of our community, of any age and ability to design an inspiring logo for Tweedsmuir. This logo will be used on all the material produced by TCC, so should reflect what is special about our Community.
Tweedsmuir Logo Competition
Your logo can be drawn or produced on a computer – it does not matter which – but should reflect what is unique about our village and area.
Try and think of a unique and distinctive idea!
Please don’t worry if you are not a fantastic artist – it is your idea and vision that we are looking for, and if you are the winner your design will be used to create the final logo for our community.
Can you describe Tweedsmuir in six words?
Can you also think of six words to describe to people from outside our community what makes Tweedsmuir unique and special?
These descriptions will help us to inform funders and visitors why our community is so amazing.
If you would like to contribute to either of the above please send your pictures, words and ideas to : Lesley Mason –
Please send your ideas by the end of June – for the winner, there is a £25 voucher to spend at Broughton Village store!