Windfarm community benefit grants
This flow chart will help you see which grants you can apply for to fund your project. To apply for a microgrant in Tweedsmuir, click here For information about larger grants in Tweedsmuir, click here
This flow chart will help you see which grants you can apply for to fund your project. To apply for a microgrant in Tweedsmuir, click here For information about larger grants in Tweedsmuir, click here
Below are links to the application forms. All applications should be submitted to the Community Council Secretary, or handed to any of the community councillors Clyde Borders Youth Bursaries for Tweedsmuir Community Council residents under 18 years old SSE Youth Bursary Guidelines SSE youth bursary application (pdf format) Clyde Borders Read more…
Tweedsmuir has reviewed and updated their Community Action Plan (CAP). The initial plan developed in 2017 has been used to represent the interests of the community, inform and prioritise community activities and secure grant funding for community projects. The ambitious new plan will build on these successes. The CAP review Read more…
Notice is hereby given that the AGM of Tweedsmuir Village Hall will be held on Thursday, 8th June at 7:00 PM. The event will take place in the Village Hall. If any local residents wish to attend, you are welcome to do so. If you have any questions, please email Read more…
Your Community Council needs you! Nominations are invited from members of the community whose names appear on the current Electoral Register for Tweedsmuir Community Council area. The Community Council consists of a maximum of 6 Members. In the event of there being more nominations than places on the Community Council, Read more…
FREE film night at the Village Hall Friday 10th June, 7pm Three years in the making, Riverwoods is a feature-length documentary that shines a light on the perilous state of Scotland’s salmon and tells the compelling story of an inextricable relationship between fish and forest. The filmmakers brought together a Read more…
The monthly Community Council meetings are being held in the Village Hall once more, but also with the option of attending virtually, over Zoom. The May meeting is also the AGM. All Tweedsmuir residents are very welcome to attend – either in person or via Zoom. The next meeting is Read more…
You can now order bakery treats from Broughton Store, to be delivered to Tweedsmuir Village Hall for you to collect. The list is below. You need to order before 2 PM on Thursday by phoning 01899 830465 and your shopping will be delivered to the Hall for you to pick Read more…
Subsidised transport for patients attending healthcare appointments, provided by volunteer drivers. Using the UTCD Service Available to any resident of Upper Tweed – Broughton, Tweedsmuir, Skirling or Stobo. The person using the service will be asked to make a donation, which varies depending on the length of the journey. Volunteer Read more…
Living in Tweedsmuir, with postcodes that routinely send delivery drivers miles down the road, we are probably more aware than most people of the problems that can arise over identifying your location. So What3Words could have been tailor-made for us! If you haven’t come across it before, it is a Read more…