Dear residents, if you have emailed Paul with a specific access request, he has forwarded this on to SBC and has subsequently received the following email back. It seems access for residents and any deliveries should be okay:
Morning Paul,
Unfortunately we have to implement a road closure to protect our workforce.
There are sections of the carriageway which fall below the safe working width for the use
of traffic signals/convoy.
The closure will also reduce the amount of traffic on the road, again mitigating the risk to
our workforce.
I’ve looked through the e-mails you’ve sent and I don’t foresee any issues with access
requirements to and from Tweedsmuir.
In terms of access, I will inform our traffic management team of any specific requirements.
However, I would suggest local residents/delivery drivers approach the traffic management
sentries and let them know they need through the works. The TM op will then communicate
this to the other sentry and the surfacing supervisor. I would also ask drivers to restrict their
speed to 10 – 15 miles per hour whilst passing through the works area.
Please note, this is a daytime road closure only 8am to 5pm (weekdays only) due to end on
Friday 31st May.
Let me know if you have any further queries from residents or if you need any more info
relating to the works.
Grant Brotherston