Dear resident, please find a notification from SBC of road closures along the A701 for resurfacing next month:
Scottish Borders Council Order Template
Below is also an email exchange between the TCC and SBC in which we raised a number of issues. If you have any appointments/deliveries/NHS Support, as mentioned in the email, please let Paul Greaves know.
The road will be closed in 2 phases, firstly from Glenveg to Tweedsmuir from Monday 13th May for 3-4 days. We will then move on to the second phase, which is from Tweedhopefoot to the D&G border. This will take 10–12 working days from Thursday 16th/Friday 17th May. School buses and bin collection lorries will be permitted through the works although bin collections maybe slightly earlier on the normal day of collection. In terms of local residents, deliveries or NHS home support, would it be possible to let me know if anyone has an appointment they need to attend or if they are expecting a delivery or have regular NHS home support. In all instances we will try our best to accommodate and minimise disruption for local residents/businesses. As with all roadworks, there will be the possibility of delays, again we’ll try to keep these to a minimum.