The Reaching 100% (R100) programme is a commitment to provide access to superfast broadband of 30 Megabits per second (Mbps) to every home and business in Scotland.

In Tweedsmuir, based on the current engineering schedule, the superfast connection will be made in 2024.

You can check your address on this spreadsheet:

Interim help may be available

Between now and when we are connected, you may be able to get a one-off £400 voucher from the Scottish Government. You will have to engage a provider to apply for this funding on your behalf by 31 December 2021.

This voucher can be used for the cost of fitting a faster commercial broadband supply in the meantime. Think of this as a temporary way to speed things up until the permanent connection is up and running. Options might include things like satellite broadband, 4G, fixed wireless and more.

You can find out more about the options available, and how to engage a provider here (external link will open in a new browser window)

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