Community Assistance Hubs (CAHs)
Multi-agency CAHs are currently being set up by Scottish Borders Council in collaboration with NHS Borders, the Third Sector and local Resilient Community Groups.
The key priority is making sure that the most vulnerable people in our communities receive the support they need in these challenging times. This includes people currently in receipt of social care and health services and anyone who is being advised to self-isolate and ‘shield’.
The CAHs will be picking up all requirements for ‘shielding’ and are linked into the national framework.
They will also be co-ordinating the significant number of offers that have been received from people and organisations willing to play their part and volunteer their support.
What support will the Hubs provide?
Details are still being finalised but the intention is that a range of services will available for anyone who is required to self-isolate or practice social distancing including help with providing access to food, shopping and collection of prescriptions as well as regular check-ins to see that everything is okay.
A joint health and social care locality team comprised of social workers, district and community nursing staff and homecare workers will be also be aligned with each Hub to streamline the provision of services and ensure these are delivered as effectively and efficiently as possible.
How many hubs will there be in the Borders?
Hubs are being co-ordinated from central locations in Berwickshire, Tweeddale, Cheviot, Teviot and Liddesdale and Eildon to ensure the teams are able to respond flexibly and quickly to the needs of local communities.
They will not be open to the public or provide a drop-in service.
How do I access help from the Hubs?
Contact information for the Hubs will be published over the next few days. If you need help urgently in the meantime phone 0300 100 1800.
Do I contact the Hubs if I need a social care and health service e.g. homecare?
If you already receive a social care and health support service, you should continue to liaise with your existing provider. If your circumstances have changed, phone 0300 100 1800 for advice.
Volunteering in your community
How do I play my part and volunteer to help in my local community?
If you want to register as a volunteer, please contact the Resilient Community group. They have been working hard to ensure they are available and ready to provide support. The local coordinator is Lesley Kirkwood