There was an emergency general meeting of the Village Hall committee on 11th November.

There were two pieces of legal/admin business which are important because we can’t do anything else, such as improving the plumbing and car parking, until they have been resolved.

Download voting form here (Document will open in a new browser window)

• Appoint new trustees

All the Village Hall trustees have now moved out of the area, and we need to appoint new ones.

Nominations have been received from Lesley Kirkwood, Andrew Mason and Gavin Parker.

Any further nominations are welcome. Please email to the Village Hall secretary,

The closing date for nominations is Thursday 28th November.

A quorum of 15 Tweedsmuir residents is required to vote in the New Trustees. Proxy votes are acceptable if you can’t attend the meeting.

• Amendment to the Deed of Trust

Amendment to point 10 (b)
This currently reads: Quorum, One-third of the members shall form a quorum at Committee meetings. Fifteen members shall form a quorum at Annual General meetings.

Suggested Amendment: Quorum The quorum for committee meetings and Annual General Meetings will be 5 members.

This amendment to the constitution also requires a quorum of 15 Tweedsmuir residents to vote it in.

Proxy votes will also be accepted and should be sent to Frances prior to the meeting.

The next meeting, at which these matters will be voted on, is on Thursday, 5th December at 7PM

Download voting form here (Document will open in a new browser window)

Click here to download the minutes of the last meeting (pdf file will open in a new browser window)

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