Update on developments at the Crook Inn Site in Tweedsmuir
From Tweedsmuir Community Company (TCC)
Hopefully you have noticed increased activity as you passed the Crook Inn over the last couple of months .
There has been a lot happening with the Crook Inn Phase 1 Café project over the last few months and hopefully you are aware that TCC has been successful in securing funding from Scottish Government and Scottish Borders Council for the initial stage of this project, and has been applying for funding to meet the shortfall in funding that we have. We were successful towards the end of last year in securing £25,000 from Garfield Weston Fund in November 2020.
This has allowed us to develop the designs for the Café to a building warrant stage. A copy of the floor plan and proposed elevations are below.
The building warrant application was submitted to SBC on the 18th of December 2020, and we are awaiting approval of this. A separate Warrant application, for the demolition of the former Manager’s House has already been approved.
Our appointed, WTArchitecture led team are currently finalising a tender package to enable the demolition of the redundant Manager’s house. This demolition is planned to take place in February or March 2021. This part of the site will eventually be the location of the new bunkhouse, which will be developed in the next phase of the project.
TCC has managed to secure funding to allow the salvage of materials from the Manager’s house. These will be reused in other parts of the Crook Inn development. At the moment the slates from the roof are being removed for safe keeping, and Caithness paving from within the building is being lifted.
Our Design team, WTArchitecture, are also in the process of completing the tender documentation to enable the appointment of the main contractor to develop the café project, and the aim is to make this appointment by March 2021. Work will begin on the construction of the Café as soon as the quotes for the project have been received and evaluated. At that stage we hope to secure final approval from the Government for all the funding that is needed. TCC are very hopeful that this will be the case.
At the moment TCC is also working with a specialist consultant to secure a water connection for the Café to the Scottish Water Main pipe that runs along the railway embankment. Other surveys are also being undertaken to verify the drainage options and to ensure no wildlife is harmed when the Manager’s house is removed.
TCC will aim to keep the community updated over the next few months, and hopefully as you are passing you will begin to see progress underway.
Duncan Davidson (TCC chairman) gives a monthly progress report at the Community Council meeting, and minutes of these meetings can be emailed to all residents of Tweedsmuir (Debbie.cullen@me.com), or viewed on the community council website (https://www.tweedsmuircommunitycouncil.org.uk)
If you have any questions, please contact the Community Development Officer, Lesley Mason – lesleymtweedsmuir@icloud.com or phone: 01899 880200
John · February 9, 2021 at 11:57 am
Why have you let it get into this state???
Lesley Mason · February 10, 2021 at 8:27 am
Hi John, thanks for your comment – I will forward your comment to the TCC Board, how is it best for them to reply to you
Frances Leckie · February 11, 2021 at 12:27 pm
Response from the Tweedsmuir Community Company:
The TCC continues to protect the fabric of the Crook Inn to the best of its ability. TCC fundraises to ensure that the parts of the building that are to be retained in the redevelopment remain weathertight. This is its main priority. The interior of the building has been badly damaged by repeated burglaries and break-ins which have seen extensive removal of metals and glass breakage. In addition, vandalism has been carried out by others, some of which is prompted by the actions of people filming videos for YouTube self-promotion. The Police has been asked to seek to remove such videos. TCC hopes to implement Phase 1 of the redevelopment in 2021, which will begin the gradual process of safeguarding this important site. TCC welcomes assistance from anyone who wishes to get involved in the project. See http://tweedsmuircommunitycompany.org.uk/ (external link will open in a new browser window)