A message for all Tweedsmuir residents from the Resilient Community Group
Firstly, many thanks for taking the time and effort to complete and return the forms. The main focus in the coming weeks will be our response to Covid-19 and whatever that might bring. There are a number of you who have very kindly offered to help, if required, in the delivery of shopping, looking out for neighbours and collecting medication. It’s also apparent that within our community there is a great sense of looking out for our immediate neighbours and many of us shielding family members who are particularly vulnerable to the Covid-19 virus.
At this time, I suggest we continue to keep an eye out for neighbours, continue to use social media to stay informed, telephone calls to keep in touch and support those around us if we can.
You are, hopefully, aware of the scheme set up through Broughton Village Store where those households currently needing to self-isolate, can place an order for foods and have this delivered by a local volunteer. We have a team of people who can cover the delivery of orders. I have a reserve list of people who I will contact if any current driver is unable to continue for whatever reason. There is an agreed protocol for those undertaking these roles and if you are asked and agree to do so you will be supplied with relevant ID which must be displayed whenever you carry out activities through the group. This ensures you have insurance cover through Scottish Borders Council resilient communities group.
People are managing to make use of home delivery options for food shopping and nearby supermarkets have reasonable policies and protocols in place to ensure the safety of staff and customers. Tesco and Lidl in Penicuik are well stocked as is Coop in Biggar. I believe stores in Peebles also have reasonable amounts of stock which is being replenished regularly. If anyone else has any recent intel on shops/supermarkets in the vicinity perhaps consider sharing that on social media. Or we can perhaps put out a weekly update on the situation for those making trips out for essential shopping.
If we become aware of an increase in traffic, unusual vehicles in the area it is helpful to take a note of registrations and I can pass these back to the SBC Hub who will ensure Police Scotland are informed. There is no need to confront or question drivers or put yourself at risk.
If anyone who is currently supporting a neighbour or family member in the community becomes unwell themselves, please make contact and we will ensure any necessary support is put in place.
Tweedsmuir Community Council circulated information about SBC Hubs being set up and our group will link into this. This works in both directions. We can get requests for assistance from them and we can advise them that assistance is required if need be.
Please keep in touch. I will update you all on a weekly basis or sooner if required. We are posting information on Facebook and TCC website. I haven’t set up a WhatsApp group yet, but this could be done in smaller groupings which are perhaps more relevant due to the geographical nature of our community. Any helpful suggestions regarding this would be welcome.
Whatever you are doing to look after neighbours and friends please stay safe and stay well.
Best wishes, Lesley